Intelligence Artificielle & Emotion

A l’occasion du congrès « Homo ex Data – Design in the Age of Big Data » le 6 Mars 2020 au Red Dot Design Museum Essen, Sylvia Vitale Rotta, CEO Team Creatif Group et Ambassadrice du Red Dot Network, a pu exposer son point de vue sur la relation entre Intelligence Artificielle et Emotion, et comment cela se traduit dans l’univers du Design.

« Emotion is Key for People »

Many products are equipped with Artificial Intelligence, which enriches both private and professional everyday life on many levels. Thanks to continuously optimised computing power, AI systems are processing information ever faster, with this rapid and ongoing development leading to both opportunities and new challenges in its correct use.

Sylvia Vitale Rotta, Tanzania-born managing director of the French agency Team Créatif Group, noted the negative effects of Big Data in her presentation « Emotion is Key for People »:

« Assistance from Big Data devices, no matter how convenient and how individually aimed they might be, can slowly reduce humans to non-thinkers and non-doers, turning them into device-driven Big Data addicts. Artificial Intelligence must not replace us. »

« Let’s make humans always ride above Artificial Intelligence »

Nevertheless, Sylvia Vitale Rotta is confident that artificial and human intelligence are distinct:

« Let us not worry. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence will never replace the complexity of humans. AI will, however, help in all the repetitive actions humans and human society do to get certain chores done. It is already dealing with very complex tasks that require a lot of technical handling of Big Data algorithms. However, AI will not reproduce or have the deductive power that human emotions have. And even though it might come close to duplicating human behaviour, it will never achieve the sensibility and the complexity of humans themselves. »

Therefore, she argues that while AI is a possibility, designers must be driven by emotion and the complexity of the creative mind in their work:

« Artificial Intelligence is best at helping mankind comprehend the future and better deal with all the challenges that it will bring. As designers we work with emotions and the complexity of the creative mind. Artificial Intelligence can help us create objects that retain emotion and intuitiveness, thus ensuring that our designs will continue to bring a human touch to people’s lives. Therefore, let’s teach ourselves to value our deep emotions and continue to make them play a big part in our actions. This will make humans always ride above Artificial Intelligence. »

Pour en savoir plus sur le Red Dot Network, cliquez ici.

Pour redécouvrir le discours de Sylvia Vitale Rotta sur la créativité aux Red Dot Awards, cliquez ici.